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Re: who visited my page?

Bill, s/n on this list being what it is, I did try your instructions.  For
any of you contemplating the same, this:

>Or you can send mail to "Majordomo@n2.rutgers.edu" with the following command
>in the body of your email message:
>    unsubscribe www-security [your email address]

will not do the job because the cited email address is incorrect.  Use
"Majordomo@ns2.rutgers.edu" instead.

At 03:13 AM 8/25/96 -0400, Bill Casti wrote:
>And, this is a copy of the file *I* received when I subscribed. Have you 
>tried using the instructions, instead of being an irresponsible a**hole, 
>Scott?! It's not like the rest of the subscribers *enjoy* getting 
>your low-IQ messages either. You're obviously a twit.
>From Majordomo@ns2.rutgers.eduSun Aug 25 03:08:40 1996
>Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 03:09:37 -0400
>From: Majordomo@ns2.rutgers.edu
>To: [you]
>Subject: Welcome to www-security
>Welcome to the www-security mailing list!
>If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
>send the following command in email to
>    unsubscribe
>Or you can send mail to "Majordomo@n2.rutgers.edu" with the following command
>in the body of your email message:
>    unsubscribe www-security sch@well.com
>Here's the general information for the list you've
>subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:
>   The www-security list is intended for the discussion of World Wide
>Web security proposals, enhancements and issues.  This is the working
>list of the proposed IETF HTTP Security working group.
>   In addition to this list we are attempting to keep relevant documents,
>references and developments available via WWW.  The home page for this
>information is
>	<http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security/index.htm>
>   This document contains the list archives, as well as links to
>information about current proposals, Inetrnet standards, and other
>documents related to WWW security.
>	                             Greg Bossert, Simon Cooper, Walt Drummond
>	                                   Rutgers University Network Services
>	                                  www-security-team@www-ns.rutgers.edu
>For help with Majordomo, send a message to majordomo@nsmx.rutgers.edu with a
>message body of "help".
>To unsubscribe, send a message to majordomo@nsmx.rutgers.edu with a
>body of "unsubscribe www-security".
>To post to the list, send your message to "www-security@nsmx.rutgers.edu".
>For a complete list of commands our Majordomo server accepts, see
>   <http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security/majordomo_commands.htm>
>On Sat, 24 Aug 1996, Scott Holstad wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Steff Watkins wrote:
>> >    ----- Message body suppressed -----
>> > 
>> > --WAA06976.840777075/tera.mcom.com--
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> This bullshit has GOT to STOP!  I feel like I'm getting flamed by you 
>> people.  This is undoubtedly the most irresposibly maintained list I've 
>> ever seen.  Jesus Christ--how about a little responsibility here.  Let 
>> the fucking people who want out get out.  I'm sick of getting unsubscribe 
>> messages clogging up my email box!
>> If some of you smug assholes who scoff at the attempts of people to 
>> unsubscribe ACTUALLY know what the hell you're doing, why don't you 
>> actually help some of these people out, instead of offering gloating 
>> disdain and more junk mail???
Richard Drury                             Richard_Drury@nih.gov
National Institutes of Health               voice: 301-496-4368
Bethesda, Maryland, USA                       fax: 301-496-5240